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  • 用“揣(chuāi)”字组词

    揣组词及解释揣的拼音chuāi揣的笔画12画揣的五行金揣的五笔RMDJ揣的部首扌“揣”字的英文翻译to figure; Taiwan pr.; to estimate; to guess; to surmise; to put into (o...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“搋(chuāi)”字组词

    搋组词及解释搋的拼音chuāi搋的笔画13画搋的五行金搋的五笔RRHM搋的部首扌“搋”字的英文翻译to knead; to clear a drain with a pump; to carry sth under one's coat; t...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“膪(chuài)”字组词

    膪组词及解释膪的拼音chuài膪的笔画16画膪的五行金膪的五笔EUPK膪的部首月“膪”字的英文翻译see 囊膪带“膪”字的组词囊膪,囊囊膪“膪”字是什么意思? 【膪】读chuài,笔画...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“踹(chuài)”字组词

    踹组词及解释踹的拼音chuài踹的笔画16画踹的五行金踹的五笔KHMJ踹的部首足“踹”字的英文翻译to crush; trample, tread on, kick带“踹”字的组词踹知,踹砑,踹窝,踹落,踹...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典